ESLPS President’s Speech

Colleagues and Friends,
At the Emirates Speech Language Pathology Society (ESLPS), we are altruistically aiming at joining forces nationally, regionally and internationally to be able to build strong columns of our profession in the region, as it still in its infancy.

Being a non-profit organization and the only legal body representing the profession of Speech Language Pathology in the United Arab Emirates, we are longing for greater awareness among the community and for the improvement of the quality of services through the following fundamental pillars: Continued Education & Training, Research adhering to international standards, Awareness & Community Support. Therefore, we embrace sustainable development goals of the field including colleagues’ professional growth in addition to the support of our patients and their families.

We do face challenges too! Having said that our strong trust and commitment to our above stated dream and the belief on the common good make us even more determined, every time, to continue the journey!

And fortunately, we have the support of the UAE government at the highest level to achieve our mission and vision, and our dream!

In May 2017, we founded the basic columns of our society, we organized and co-organized regional conferences, bids for international congress, and we are one of the first regional societies to become affiliated to the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP).
We reached to national authorities for collaborations; we signed MOUs with regional associations and societies.
We started several new projects including the Initiative of Giving, the Special Interest Groups (SIG) and ongoing collaboration with the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) for possible co-organized congress.
We kicked off our bi-weekly newsletter and now our website.

We had thousands of national and international people (families, parents, colleagues, students, etc.) reaching out to the society, and we reached to the media for awareness. The list, so long, does not stop here!
We rightfully gained respect and trust nationally, regionally and internationally with all our stakeholders.

We’ve had three very busy years, and we are not slowing down!

There’s a big world out there that needs to be educated about our profession. And there are colleagues and friends in our community who are seeking resources. We can already tell that the future is going to be amazing. Watch the gallery for a glimpse of our accomplishments, and then think ahead to what YOU want to get out of this community in the coming years. If our words are any indication, there is support, camaraderie, and patience if you stick around and become a member.

During my period of tenure as President, I look forward to serving ESLPS members, their patients and families. As we are committed as enabler to empowering colleagues feel valued, connected, and empowered in their professional settings and nurturing the innovators who will lead us into the future.

As always, do not hesitate to write us your ideas, questions or comments.


Sara BaChar


Emirates Speech Language Pathology Society